The procedure step-by-step
Step 1: Intake
We always start with an interview. This can be done by telephone, Skype or in person in our studio. Using a checklist we go through the design and suggest a template for the desired layout. Using our many previously designed theses and well-aimed suggestions you're sure to be inspired. We will also discuss the exact desired text style and scientific conventions and go through the planning and working procedure.
Step 2: Designing the proof chapter
Once your designing desires have been discussed, these will be implemented in a proof chapter. For this, you will provide us with one representative chapter, including tables, figures, and text. We will send you a PDF file of the result, so you can judge the layout properly.
Step 3: Proof chapter approval
A proof chapter is rarely as you wanted in one go. In the PDF file you provide us with comments on what you want to change or would like to try out. We will keep adjusting the layout until you are completely satisfied.
Step 4: Send the remaining chapters
You now send us all remaining chapters. Chapters that you are still working on may be sent later. These chapters should be textually finished. In the column to the right under 'Instructions for file delivery' you can read how documents and figures should be sent optimally. Check whether your list of files and data are complete using the Checklist.
Step 5: The layout of your thesis
The layout decided upon will now be applyed to your entire thesis. We will work chapter by chapter and will use 'track changes' in Word. Any questions to you will be asked using Word comment boxes. At the end of the process you will receive a PDF file of the complete inside of the thesis. At the same time we will work on the cover, the bookmark, and, if present, the propositions.
Step 6: Final file check
Before any files go to the printer, you will get the opportunity to perform a final check. In this phase, you should print the entire manuscript since you will probably notice different things on paper than when on the screen. After making the final changes, the files will be made print-ready and will be sent to the printer after your approval.
Step 7: Sending the files to the printer
We collaborate with renowned thesis printers with an excellent ratio of price to quality. Upon your request we will also ask for quotes from other printers. We will manage the entire printing process for you.
Step 8: Checking the print proofs
Within five working days the print proofs of the inside and cover/bookmark will be mailed to you. If time is short, we will skip the print proofs and move directly to a digital proof.
Step 9: Approval of the print proofs
In this phase no errors should be left. Should you still detect a serious error when reviewing the proofs, it is still possible to replace a page, but in this case the printing process will often be delayed. When a page is replaced you will always receive a new digital proof. Upon your approval, the printing process will be started.
Step 10: Printing your thesis
After your approval, the thesis will be printed. The printer will contact you for proper delivery.
Step 11: Delivery of your printed thesis
Your thesis will be delivered on the time and place agreed upon.